The Paramount Theater is a member of the League of Historic American Theaters and is a significant part of our area’s history. Now a vibrant and versatile venue for performing arts and community events, The Paramount is a vital contributor to Central Virginia’s present and future quality of life as well as an economic driver for the region. As a nonprofit theater with a commitment to accessibility and excellence, The Paramount must rely on the support of donors, foundations and corporations to further its mission and bring the highest quality arts and educational programs to our citizens, while maintaining reasonable ticket prices and keeping rental rates affordable for our community’s many nonprofit arts organizations.

The Paramount Theater’s mission—to educate, enchant, enrich and enlighten—is rooted in our commitment to presenting a wide variety of arts, education and entertainment opportunities for everyone to enjoy. Each Paramount performance is a labor of love. There are many ways you can get involved and contribute to the Paramount experience. We invite you to explore the possibilities.


Live Performances • Live Broadcasts • Movies • Virtual Events • Galas • Community Events • Event Space Rental • Tours • Arts Education Programs • Member Benefits


215 East Main Street


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