Teething Tips, Do’s & Don’ts

words by Whitney Woolerton Morrill
Sooth Teething Pains for Your Baby with these Expert Tips


Starting at around 6 months old, your baby just might sink her teeth into you so here we are with expert teething tips for you. If it were a book series, there’d be 20 volumes, because that’s how many pearly whites erupt from a baby’s gums in her first three years of life. And let’s not forget the prequels: the gumming, the drooling, the sleepless nights… Right about the time you exit the newborn months and start to get more rest, their teeth begin to enter, and with them more fussiness and disrupted nights.

But our babies have it worse, no? Parents have coffee to cope with fatigue, plus the knowledge that this, too, shall pass. Babies just know their gums hurt like “who’d-da-thought-it,” as my kids’ grandmother often says. And for all babies know, the discomfort could go on forever. That’s enough to make anyone sad and cross.

Luckily during the newborn days, you honed your soothing skills. Whatever they are, whip them out again. ​Bouncing on a yoga ball, shadow-boxing to radio static—no one is here to judge. But we are here to encourage you to comfort your little one as only you can, because he needs you when his gums are hurting.

How to Know When Your Baby is Teething

Teething is when the first set of teeth breaks through the gums. The first set of teeth may also be called baby or primary teeth. Teeth may come in (erupt) at different times and that is why you may refer to these teething tips several times during baby’s first year.

Teething is different for each baby. A first tooth may come in between 3 months and 1 year of age. Many babies get their first tooth between 6 and 10 months of age. There is a wide range of variability of when a first tooth may appear—some babies may not have any teeth by their first birthday! Around 3 months of age, babies will begin exploring the world with their mouth and have increased saliva and start to put their hands in their mouth. Many parents question whether or not this means that their baby is teething, but a first tooth usually appears around 6 months old.

The 2 front teeth (central incisors), either upper or lower, usually appear first, followed by the opposite front teeth. The first molars come in next, followed by the canines or eyeteeth.

By the time children are 33 months (almost 3 years) of age, they may have all 20 baby teeth.


Helpful Teething Facts

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Dental Association (ADA) offer these helpful facts about teething:

• Baby teeth not only help infants eat solid foods but also aid with speech and create room for adult teeth.

• The lower central front incisors erupt first, then the upper incisors, lateral incisors, canines and molars.

• Teeth are often “exfoliated” (lost) in the same order they erupted.


Teething Tips, Do’s & Don’ts for Parents

• Do offer safe, clean and cold chewables for your baby, such as chilled teething rings, wet washcloths and spoons. Did I mention safe and clean?

• Do gently rub your baby’s gums. Teething Tip: Massage is very comforting for a teething baby.

* Do offer something cold to chew on. Teething Tip: A clean washcloth that has a corner dipped in water and then frozen can be very helpful.

• Do brush their teeth twice per day once they emerge. See fluoride tips for babies below.

• Do use bibs to absorb drool and to prevent skin irritation from wet clothes.

• Don’t confuse signs of illness such as fever, diarrhea, coughing and vomiting with teething; they’re unrelated. If your infant presents these symptoms, consult with your pediatrician to determine cause and treatment.

• Don’t give topical analgesics, such as teething gels containing benzocaine, to babies under 2 years old. The AAP warns that benzocaine can have serious side effects in infants when dosed improperly, including seizures and the rare, but serious, condition methemoglobinemia.

• Don’t offer your baby amber teething necklaces. According to the AAP, they pose choking and strangulation dangers.

• Don’t pacify teething babies by letting them sleep with bottles. Tooth decay results from extended exposure to liquids containing sugar.

​If you’re nursing your baby and the, er, clamp comes down, kindly but firmly let her know you’re not a teething toy. Then consider wearing a BPA-free silicone teething necklace while you hold her so you can immediately offer an acceptable alternative—in style!


Fluoride Tips for Parents

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children should drink fluoridated water and use age-appropriate am0unts of fluoride toothpaste to protect their teeth. If a child’s drinking water doesn’t have enough fluoride, they may need to take fluoride supplements.For those of us in Virginia on wells, fluoride is a special concern and you should regularly ask your pediatrician and dentist for advice.

Here are some AAP recommendations for fluoride and children:

  • Fluoride supplements

    Children under 6 months old shouldn’t take fluoride supplements. Children between 6 months and 3 years old should take fluoride supplements if their water has less than 0.3 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride. Children between 3 and 16 years-old should take fluoride supplements if their water has less than 0.6 ppm of fluoride. 

  • Fluoride varnish

    Children should have fluoride varnish applied to their teeth at least once every 6 months, or every 3 months if they’re at high risk for tooth decay. This should start when their first tooth comes in and continue throughout life as needed. 

Looking for More Baby Teething Advice?

Visit the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Dental Association for more helpful tips to soothe your wee one’s gums. Find more great health resources, education tips and ideas for creating a family home for your young family. You can also find wonderful parent & baby classes.


WHITNEY WOOLLERTON MORRILL is an architect who designs and writes for families. Her blog is theCoconutgirl.com. 


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